Secure Your Protection for Now and Future
No matter what stage of life you are in, it is always important to safeguard yourself and your loved ones, to stay financially secure should unforeseen circumstances happen to you.
Introducing Secure Shield, a specially designed insurance plan that assures guaranteed protection at a guaranteed premium. You do not have to worry about future inflation that may inflate your premium. We assure you that your premium will remain the same throughout the policy duration!
Aside from death coverage due to all causes, Secure Shield provides double protection in the event of accidental death. Furthermore, it offers special benefits like no other - additional coverage for Death due to Vaccination Side Effects and Death during Hospitalisation in Isolation Ward.
Not only do we focus on protection against major mishaps in life, Secure Shield also protects you against the little hiccups such as hospitalisation due to accident, by providing you with daily allowance to support your living expenses, so you can focus on your recovery.
Sign up for Secure Shield now! Enjoy hassle-free enrolment, without the need of going through medical check-up.
The benefit(s) payable under eligible product is protected by PIDM up to limits. Please refer to PIDM’s TIPS Brochure or contact Generali Life Insurance Malaysia Berhad or PIDM (visit
You can get protection with Secure Shield regardless of your health condition with a simple and easy enrolment process, without going through medical check-ups and medical questionnaires.
Your family will receive the Death Benefit in the event an unfortunate event happens to you.
In the event of Death or TPD (before age 70), we shall pay you the higher of:
a. Basic Sum Insured less withdrawals, or
b. Account Value (if any)
100% of the death benefit will be payable if you are diagnosed with terminal illness.
The following benefit will be payable in addition to the Death Benefit: - Accidental Death Benefit: 200% of Basic Sum Insured - Death due to Vaccination Side Effects: 20% of Basic Sum Insured - Death Happens during Hospitalisation in Isolation Ward: 20% of Basic Sum Insured
Upon maturity of the policy, we shall pay you the higher of:
a. Basic Sum Insured less withdrawals, or
b. Account Value (if any)
If Death or TPD due to accidental causes occurs before age 70, we shall pay you the following in addition to the Death or TPD benefit respectively:
If Accidental Death and TPD, 100% of sum insured will be payable.
If Accidental Death in or on Public Conveyance of Land Transportation, 200% of sum insured will be payable.
If Accidental Death in or on Public Conveyance of Water or Air Transportation, 300% of sum insured will be payable.
If Accidental Death in or on Public Conveyance during Public Holiday, 400% of sum insured will be payable.
You can get protection with Secure Shield regardless of your health condition with a simple and easy enrolment process, without going through medical check-ups and medical questionnaires.
Your family will receive the Death Benefit in the event an unfortunate event happens to you.
The following benefit will be payable in addition to the Death Benefit: - Accidental Death Benefit: 200% of Basic Sum Insured - Death due to Vaccination Side Effects: 20% of Basic Sum Insured - Death Happens during Hospitalisation in Isolation Ward: 20% of Basic Sum Insured
You can get protection with Secure Shield regardless of your health condition with a simple and easy enrolment process, without going through medical check-ups and medical questionnaires.
Your family will receive the Death Benefit in the event an unfortunate event happens to you.
Choose a pay-out amount starting from RM25,000 to RM500,000.
Just answer 4 simple questions. No medical examinations required!
Every 2 policy years starting from 6th policy anniversary onwards, an additional 0.5% of the average monthly account value over the last 2 years will be credited to your account value.
Every 15th policy anniversary, an additional 10% of the average monthly account value over the last 10 years will be credited to your account value.
At the end of initial coverage term, an additional 10% of the average monthly account value over the last 10 years will be credited to your account value.
With sum insured of RM 1,000,000 and above, subject to no claim made on your basic plan, you will enjoy 5% discount on insurance charge.
Upon maturity of the policy, you will receive a lump sum payment that is equivalent to your Account Value (if any).
Every 2 policy years starting from 6th policy anniversary onwards, an additional 0.5% of the average monthly account value over the last 2 years will be credited to your account value.
On 20th policy anniversary, an additional 20% of the average monthly account value over the last 10 years will be credited to your account value.
Your policy is guaranteed to be renewed up to age 100 at your option and without underwriting.
Every 2 policy years starting from the end of the 6th policy anniversary onwards, an additional 0.38% of the average monthly account value over the last 2 years will be credited to your account value.
An additional percentage of the average monthly account value over the last 10 years prior to the payment of Special Booster will be credited to your account value at the end of every 10th policy anniversary.
Upon maturity of the policy, you will receive a lump sum payment that is equivalent to your account value (inclusive of Loyalty Bonus (if any) and Special Booster (if any)).
Multiple premium term options of 2 or 4 years, and coverage term of 15, 20 and 30 years, to suit your financial goals planning.
Start and end your financial commitment early so that you can enjoy life now! Aspire Invest requires 5 years premium payment term only and you can harvest your investment returns after 15, 20 or 30 years.
Protect you and your family against any unforeseen circumstances that might happen to you such as death or TPD before age 70.
In the event of an accident that causes death or TPD before age 70, we will pay an additional 100% of the total premium paid, and subject to RM 2,000,000 per life.
Receive additional non-guaranteed cash dividends that is projected to be payable from the end of the 2nd policy year.
Enjoy the flexibility to invest your guaranteed annual income and non-guaranteed cash dividends into our professionally managed investment funds to enhance your returns.
Receive lump sum payment of basic sum insured, non-guaranteed terminal dividend (if any), accumulated annual income (if any) and accumulated non-guaranteed cash dividends (if any) at maturity.
Enjoy the flexibility to invest your guaranteed cash endowments and non-guaranteed cash dividends into 4 choices of professionally managed funds.
Upon maturity, you will receive the lump sum payment of basic sum insured as well as non-guaranteed terminal dividend, accumulated cash endowment, and accumulated non-guaranteed cash dividends (if any).
You can enhance your protection by combining PaySaver+ with Payor Benefit Add-ons, Waiver of Premium Add-ons or Spouse Payor Benefit Add-ons to enhance your protection. While additional premiums are required for supplementary protection, your premiums will be waived should an unexpected event happen to you.
a. Death due to suicide while sane or insane within 12 months from the issue date or any date of reinstatement, whichever is later.
b. Accidental Death Benefit or Daily Hospital Income Benefit due to Accident if the injury or loss of the Insured resulting from:
i. any self-inflicted injury or suicide, while sane or insane;
ii. disease or infection of any kind (unless the bacterial infections occur in connection with or as a consequence of accidental bodily injury);
iii. taking poison, drugs not prescribed by Medical Practitioner, alcohol, sedatives, or inhaling gas (except from hazard incidental to occupation);
iv. the attempt or commission of assault or any unlawful act by the Insured;
v. service in the armed forces in time of declared or undeclared war or while under orders for warlike operations or making an arrest as an officer of the law;
vi. participation in any airborne activities other than as a fare-paying passenger on a public licensed air service;
vii. pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage or any of their consequences;
viii. pre-existing physical or mental defect or infirmity;
ix. any act due to strike, riot and civil commotion;
x. any pre-existing or recurring, injury, disease, illness or disablement which the Insured suffered prior to issue date or any date of reinstatement of this Policy, whichever is later; or
xi. participation in hazardous activities like boxing, skiing, wrestling, diving, mountaineering, rappelling, river rafting, rapid shooting, any form of racing other than on foot, or any speed or endurance contest.
For the full list of exclusions, kindly refer to our brochure, available for download below.