Meet our lifetime partners

Becoming a Generali Lifetime Partner is a unique opportunity to make a meaningful and lasting difference in the lives of your clients.

Edwin Tey Yen Khai (Unit Manager)

BEng (Hons) Mechatronics Engineering

“Embarking on my journey with a mechatronics engineering degree and 12 years of knowledge in insurance, financial entrepreneurship for me transcends a mere job—it symbolizes the ability to empower those around me. It's not just about a career; it's about building a business that empowers. This venture has equipped me with enduring skills and paved the way for ongoing personal growth. From achieving MDRT to becoming a Unit Manager, my commitment to excellence is unwavering. Generali Life Insurance Malaysia has provided me a platform to impart financial skills, ensuring individuals achieve their life goals through effective financial planning and management skills. Financial entrepreneurship, as a business, has given me lifelong employability, learning opportunities, and upwards social mobility. With Generali, I've discovered the true meaning of financial entrepreneurship—a commitment to excellence, empowerment, and a brighter future for both myself and those I serve.”